The Ukuvusa Podcast with Dr. Z 🎙
Born in Swaziland and raised in North Carolina, Dr. Zithobile Nxumalo (Dr. Z) has always been fascinated with transformation, human behavior and awakening. The word "ukuvusa" means "to awaken" in the southern African language, Xhosa. Each episode features powerful conversations with experts and guests whose stories shed light on the many aspects of our humanity. New episodes air LIVE on Tuesdays at 7pmEST - www.onyxurbanradio.net. Archived episodes are found here. To contact Dr. Z, visit https://www.deftable.com/contact or email her at zitty@deftable.com.
The Ukuvusa Podcast with Dr. Z 🎙
Episode 10 - Awakening to Han 🧬
Zithobile Nxumalo, Ph.D. (Dr. Z)
Season 1
Episode 10
November 2020 (Greensboro, NC/Atlanta, GA) -- November is National Adoption Month. This week features Mila Konomos (The Empress Han), a South Korean adoptee and artist who was/is one of the realest women I’ve ever known. Mila is a transracial, transnational Korean adoptee who struggled to understand her origin story. We were roommates in Atlanta in our 20s and I’ve seen her struggle with feeling like a foreigner in a distant land... much like myself. Mila eventually found her birth family after 7 years of searching, but she learned so much more after reconnecting with them. Mila discusses colonization and erasure, being raised by a military family, and discovering her true identity.
Mila Konomos -- IG: @the_empress_han