The Ukuvusa Podcast with Dr. Z 🎙
Born in Swaziland and raised in North Carolina, Dr. Zithobile Nxumalo (Dr. Z) has always been fascinated with transformation, human behavior and awakening. The word "ukuvusa" means "to awaken" in the southern African language, Xhosa. Each episode features powerful conversations with experts and guests whose stories shed light on the many aspects of our humanity. New episodes air LIVE on Tuesdays at 7pmEST - www.onyxurbanradio.net. Archived episodes are found here. To contact Dr. Z, visit https://www.deftable.com/contact or email her at zitty@deftable.com.
The Ukuvusa Podcast with Dr. Z 🎙
Episode 26 - Awakening to the New World of Dating 🥰
Zithobile Nxumalo, Ph.D. (Dr. Z)
Season 1
Episode 26
April 2021 (Greensboro, NC) -- We brought some single Black men into the Ukuvusa conversation🎙to shed some light 💡 on what dating is like from their point of view. Between Derrick Jaxn, Kevin Samuels and Umar Johnson, are ALL the messages janky?! 🥴
The rules have CHANGED, folx... we need to recalibrate!! 😅 Tune in for an honest and hilarious convo with my high school classmates — and regular inmates of Facebook jail (due to their, uh, candor. 😬 lol) @management336 and @aj_whitsett!!